Discovery Russia - Best Russia Tours and Vacation Packages


Discovery Russia complies with the standard principles of the Privacy data protection. Our goal is to respect, appropriately handle, protect and secure your personal information by all available means and in everything we do.

What information do you collect from me and what for?

In conducting our business as a travel provider, we will require you to provide certain correct, reliable and accurate personal information, including passport details, which we need to process your booking and travel arrangements including (but not limited to) visas and flights. It will not be possible to arrange a tour, or issue correct travel documents if we do not have this information. We will not use any of your personal details for any other purpose apart from arranging your travels.
We may also request some medical information for adventure and extreme sport tours.

To whom do you disclose my personal information?

Your personal details are necessary to process your bookings and travel arrangements. These details may include your passport and visa number, full name and date of birth, dates of travel and special requests. We will not provide your personal details to any other party not involved directly in your booking arrangements with us. We will never sell your personal information to any third party.

Where do you keep my information and for how long?

The personal information which you provide to us, including any additional information than that which we request from you, is kept in our reservation system. We retain your personal information for three months after your trip has finished, and thereafter, we delete it. Financial information (invoices, payments), however, are kept for ten years, for accounting and tax purposes.

What else is my personal information used for?

You may opt in to our newsletter, which we may send from time to time to let you know about our products and promotions, to the email that you provided during the newsletter signup process.
You may cancel your newsletter subscription at any time. To unsubscribe, reply to a newsletter email, typing “Unsubscribe” into the subject line or in the body text. You may also call or send an emailed unsubscribe request to

How does Discovery Russia protect my data?

Once you have registered in our reservation system, you will receive an account and a password to access our services online. You must not share your log in or password with any third party. Our reservation system will recognize your authorization on the website.

What if I forget my password?

If you have forgotten your password, you may request it to be re-sent to your registered email. If you do not have access to the email address registered in our system, or have forgotten both log in and password, additional personal identification will be required to restore your account in our system.

Is my online payment secured?

When you receive a payment link, your are redirected to safe payment portal and a payment is processed by an authorized payment system using a secured payment gateway. We do not have access to your credit card details; nor do we keep your credit card details. Your payment is processed by your bank and the payment system.

How do I get my travel documents?

Once your travel documents are ready, you will receive an email notification. Your travel documents will be available via your account on our website. You will need to log in to our system to access them.
You may also request paper copies of your documents.
Once your visa is approved, your passport, containing your issued visa, will be posted to you. You may also collect your passport/visa in person, or request courier delivery for an additional fee.

How can I access the information held about me and correct it?

The information we have about you, we obtain from you. You may view any such information on our website, and amend or correct it in your personal profile, which is accessible with your login and password.

What if I have a privacy complaint?

We’re determined to satisfy your needs and exceed your expectations in every way, including the way we handle your privacy, and we hope that you would never have any reason to complain about us! However, should you need to, here are the steps to follow.
First, please put your privacy concerns in writing. You can send us an email, a letter by post or enter a comment in your client profile on our website. Please describe the situation and give as many details as you remember, trying to indicate the situation you were not happy with. Let us know the steps you have taken to try to have the issue addressed. Please allow us two working days to respond.
If, having received our response, you are still not satisfied, your second step is to complain, again in writing, to Please mark you letter as “COMPLAINT” to allow us to prioritise your request accordingly. Your case will then be assigned to the Senior Manager.

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