Discovery Russia - Best Russia Tours and Vacation Packages
Europe-Asia border imageEurope-Asia border

Day Schedule

➤ Breakfast

➤ Ipatiev House/Church of All Saints - the place of Romanovs Tsar assassination

➤ Ganina Yama

➤ Europe-Asia Border, place where you stand half on Europe, half in Asia!

➤ Christmas celebration

Church of All Saints, Yekaterinburg imageChurch of All Saints, Yekaterinburg

The guided tour today includes Cathedral on the Blood, place where the last Romanov Tsar was assassinated after the Revolution, Ganina Yama, and Europe-Asia Border.

Ganina Yama - the place, known well out of Yekaterinburg. Here, in Ganina Yama were brought remains of the last emperor of Russia and his family after execution in 1918. Today Ganina Yama and a monastery of the Holy Tsarist Passion-Bearers are holy sites of modern Russia which are interesting for visiting not only to believers but also for all people interested in the Russian history.

The Ural Mountains are the natural boundary between Europe and Asia and the oldest mountains in the world. To the west of the Urals, there is European Russia, the cradle of the Russian culture. To the east lies the vast land of Siberia. The border of Europe and Asia is one of the must-visit sights. Where else you can put one foot in Europe and one in Asia while taking photos?

And let’s celebrate belated Christmas today. Surprisingly enough the life of the remote villages hasn't changed much for centuries - what a lovely place to celebrate Christmas in Russia!

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