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What do people to in the train? Mostly, nothing. But you've got your stock of vodka back in Vladivstok, right? As an excuse, we can tell you it will be very, very cold outside and one just has to drink - permnentnely - to accommodate the body to these temperatures. At the stations - and there are over 60 along the way - you will get out to mingle with locals, grab some stuff at the local stores and rush back to your cozy train bench and sweet fellow travelers. That's how people explore Russia, the very Far East of it.

The Trans-Siberian Railway is a network of railways connecting Moscow with the Russian Far East. It is the longest railway line in the world. There are connecting branch lines into Mongolia, China, and North Korea. It has connected Moscow with Vladivostok since 1916 and is still being expanded.

It was built between 1891 and 1916 under the supervision of Russian government ministers personally appointed by Tsar Alexander III and his son, the Tsarevich Nicholas (later Tsar Nicholas II). Even before it had been completed, it attracted travellers who wrote of their adventures.

and its people imageand its people

Our second advise is to befriend "Provodnitza", a VIP person of the train, the CEO of your carriage and the Goddess of train. A loyal Provodnitza will give you free tea, open locked shower and do other little miracles like finding you at the train station 30 seconds before train's departure. Above all, she will be the most informed sourse of information about local life, people, politics, prices, relations, covid & Joe Biden. Again, you will need lots of vodka to be able to talk to Provodnitza in Russian in a just couple of days.

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