Discovery Russia - Best Russia Tours and Vacation Packages
Russian winter fun imageRussian winter fun

Day Schedule

➤ Breakfast

➤ Transfer to Suzdal

➤ Suzdal tour & medovukha degustation

➤ Russian Banya

➤ Board midnight train to St Petersburg

Medovukha tasting imageMedovukha tasting

Transfer to ancient Suzdal (200 km) to visit one of the highlights of Russian cultural heritage, the Suzdal Kremlin, dating from the 10th century. Like other Russian Kremlins, it was originally a fortress or citadel and was the religious and administrative centre of the city. Suzdal is considered as one the most beautiful Russian towns still preserving traditional way of life.

A day to explore treasures of ancient Suzdal, UNESCO World Heritage Site. We will travel around to take great photos and enjoy the winter day in Russia discovering snow-white town in a relaxing atmosphere. Today we will try "medovukha" - famous Russian soft drink based on honey. There are over 40 tastes, in fact, and Suzdal produces the very best one!

Winter as its best imageWinter as its best

What else to do there in Suzdal during some free hours you will have after visiting Kremlin? Experience Russian troyka ride, slide from high hills to the frozen rivers, be in Russia of Leo Tolstoy's novels. Try straw plaiting in the Arts and Crafts National center, make your own famous “Dymov” toy ceramics or produce the real masterpiece based on Suzdal Kremlin’s ornaments and more.

Russian banya imageRussian banya

After busy day, relax and refresh in traditional Russian banya (sauna). In the evening, travelers to travel on Winter Golden Ring Express stay in town, and others travel to nearby Vladimir town to see magnificent Cathedral (UNESCO World Herirage) and board the overnight train to St Petersburg.

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