Discovery Russia - Best Russia Tours and Vacation Packages
Kungur Ice Cave imageKungur Ice Cave

Day Schedule

➤Breakfast in the hotel

➤Morning guided visit to Kungur Ice cave. It is as cold there as it was at lake Baikal shore, take warm clothes

➤Transfer to the train station for your train to Kazan

Kungur Ice Cave imageKungur Ice Cave

So, why does the cave is so famous so it is called "the Ural miracle"? Why do people go here for two centuries and aspire to see this hardened fairy tale covered in bowels of the Ural Mountains? The matter is that the rare combination of relief, climate and karstic processes has led to absolutely unusual cave shape creation. All underground palaces on our planet are beautiful in their own way, whether they are in the Pyrenees or Dinars, in Crimean mountains or in New Zealand. But the pearl of the Ural Mountains differs from all caves with its unusual frosty ice dress. None of the other well-known caves has the same!

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